Engineering and EHS Services

Engineering Services

Quality Engineering Services

We are one of the Prime Environmental Engineering Service Provider Company which includes Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning. The Structure & Mechanical Engineering Services offered by us arewidely appreciated by the clients as we offer the most innovative, latest and cost effective technologies.

Safety is the most important aspect of our company. Constantly we are achieving customer driven experience by providing quality and superior EHS and Fire services and products.

  • Effluent Treatment Plants
  • Water Treatment Plants
  • Sewarage System
  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Solid waste management
  • Water Supply system

Engineering Services

Engineering services provider

We are one of the Prime Environmental Engineering Service Provider Company which includes Design, Supply, Erection, and Commissioning. The Structure & Mechanical Engineering Services offered by us are
widely appreciated by the clients as we offer the most innovative, latest and cost-effective technologies.

Safety is the most important aspect of our company. Constantly we are achieving customer driven experience by providing quality and superior electrical services and products.

  • Effluent Treatment Plants
  • Water Treatment Plants
  • Sewarage System
  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Solid waste management
  • Water Supply system

Effluent Treatment Plants

Water Treatment Plants

Water Supply System

Rainwater Harvesting

Solid Waste Treatment

Sewarage Systrem

  • Effluent Treatment Plants
  • Water Treatment Plants
  • Sewarage System
  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Water Supply System

The Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are used for the removal of high amounts of organic compounds, debris, dirt, grit, pollution, toxic, non-toxic materials and polymers etc. from industrial effluent. The ETP plants use evaporation and drying methods and other auxiliary techniques such as centrifuging, filtration, incineration for chemical processing and effluent treatment.

We supply Effluent treatment plants of various types and we are well known for supplying energy efficient and compatible  ETP systems.

Water treatment plants need to be installed for water recycling which will be beneficial for various purposes. A wastewater treatment plant is a facility in which a combination of various processes (e.g., physical, chemical and biological) are used to treat industrial wastewater and remove pollutants.

The water treatment plants are made up of 3 integrated treatment systems designed to meet boiler feed water and a ZLD requirement.

  • Raw water treatment
  • Boiler feed water treatment
  • Wastewater treatment

We are leading Sewarage system providers in this industry, we are well organized with professional technical team with vast experience and we provide effective solutions for your commercial sewage tretment plant projects from designation to installation and maintenance. Our experts team will also help you reduce the cost of your waste-water plant project.

A sewerage system, or wastewater collection system, is a network of pipes, pumping stations, and appurtenances that convey sewage from its points of origin to a point of treatment and disposal.

We, EHS Services provider  are expert in Water treatment. We  understand the importance of Water filtration , so we have developed various standalone filtration units for domestic & Industrial applications with First Flush arrangements. We visit your site for detailed observation and following reasons.  

  • Detailed site survey, consultancy, planning and preparation of project feasibility report.
  • Turnkey project implementation for existing buildings.
  • Supply of Rain water harvesting filters as per your requirements.

Environment protection has always been given importance in all our projects. Our Engineers are skilled and experienced well in waste management. We are developing quality solutions for waste management. We provide full range of waste management arena. We are continuously expanding our professional staff to provide full-service capabilities.

Nowadays due to Urbanisation and increase in population we are facing the problems related to solid waste and hence it is much important to manage it. Disposal which may be necessary at a later stage should be considered in the initial design and then carried out accordingly. We have undertaken projects ranging from the construction of waste transfer stations and landfill engineering projects.

Supplying sufficient water of better quality and quantity has been the major issues in human history. People began to transport water from various different locations for their communities.

By noticing all previous consequences many efforts have been made for development of sustainable water supply system.Today, a water supply system consists of infrastructure that collects, treats, stores, and distributes water between water sources and consumers and we are leading in this industry of water supply system. Rapid increase in population has led to innovative methods of water supply system and we are well equipped with innovative technologies of water supply systems.

EHS Services

Environment, Health and Safety Services.

As issues of Environmental contamination, poor air quality are increasing widely, Environment health and safety issues have become more prevalent.
Our experts are always their for providing you solutions for any kind of Environmental related issue. Our multi-talented team consist of Engineers who partners with clients to develop and implement projects.

Safety is the most important aspect of our company. Constantly we are achieving customer driven EHS and Fire services and products.

  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Stack Monitoring
  • Workplace Monitoring
  • Water Sampling
  • Soil Sampling
  • Ventilation Monitoring

EHS Services

Environmental Health and Safety Services

As issues of Environmental contamination, poor air quality are increasing widely, Environment health and safety issues have become more prevalent.
Our experts are always their for providing you solutions for any kind of Environmental related issue. Our multi-talented team consist of Engineers who partners with clients to develop and implement projects.

Safety is the most important aspect of our company. Constantly we are achieving customer driven experience by providing quality and superior electrical services and products.

  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Stack Monitoring
  • Workplace Monitoring
  • Water Sampling
  • Soil Sampling
  • Ventilation Monitoring

Air Quality Monitoring

Stack Monitoring

Workplace Monitoring

Water Sampling

Soil Sampling

Ventilation Monitoring

  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Stack Monitoring
  • Work Place Monitoring
  • Water Sampling
  • Soil Sampling
  • Ventilation Monitoring

Air Quality Monitoring is the systematic, long-term assessment of pollutant levels by measuring the quantity and types of certain pollutants in the surrounding, outdoor air. Air quality is measured with Air Quality Index(AQI). The AQI is showing changes in amount of pollution in air. The Air Quality Monitoring System is a facility to measure wind speed, direction, other weather parameters, concentration of air pollutants and particulate matters continuously all year round. Mobile AQMS can also be customized to monitor multiple sites via one system. The measured data can be published through internet for easy public access to arise awareness on current air pollution.


Stack monitoring is referred to the air monitoring of an emission point. Such monitoring is carried out on boiler stacks ,exhausts from printers, discharges from bag filters, thermal oxidisers and is performed on a regular basis. exhausts from printers, discharges from bag filters, thermal oxidisers and is performed on a regular basis.
Stacks from boilers and industrial processes will carry pollutants such as SOx, NOx, particles, solvents and other dusts and gases. These can have a detrimental effect on local air quality and for this reason such emissions are often regulated. Typically this regulation requires measurement of the concentration of these pollutants on a regular basis, often referred to as periodic stack emission monitoring. 

Employers are increasingly concerned about issues related to violence in the workplace, identity and property theft, lowered productivity, and on-the-job accidents and injuries. Coupled with the ever-increasing costs of litigation, employers must find appropriate ways to minimize these risks. As a result, many employers now monitor employees at work to prevent injuries, misconduct and other types of loss.
The role of the human resource professional in managing workplace privacy is to facilitate the adoption of reasonable and effective practices that protect employees while minimizing the risk of employer liability.

Water sampling is very important for the correct outcome of water analysis. Using the correct technique and the appropriate glassware or plasticware is essential for the correct outcome.
There are two types of water sampling strategies regarding the time frame when the samples are collected:

  • Discrete Sample: They are appropriate when the sample composition is not time dependent.
  • Composite Sample: They Consists of a series of smaller samples collected at a predetermined time or after predetermined flow 

Soil testing is an essential component of soil resource management. Each sample collected must be a true representative of the area being sampled. Utility of the results obtained from the laboratory analysis depends on the sampling precision. Hence, collection of large number of samples is advisable so that sample of desired size can be obtained by sub-sampling. In general, sampling is done at the rate of one sample for every two hectare area.
Soil sampling and extraction techniques are widely used to obtain samples for further analysis using a range of sampling designs.

Ventilation survey plays very vital role in understanding indoor quality in industries, homes, schools or offices and based on Ventilation survey reports steps can be taken to repair ventilation system.
Research shows that right indoor air quality improves productivity of employees. It reduces accidents, absenteeism and chemical exposure of employees resulting in improving profit for business.
Natural ventilation through open window is effective strategy to maintain clean air and temperature in some portions of cooling season. To calculate energy saved in buildings through natural ventilation one has to calculate air flow.

Our Quality Products


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